It’s only natural to view a stammer as a weakness that we would love to hide. We might be afraid to see the reactions of others while we’re struggling to get our words out, or experience anxiety at the very prospect of talking to strangers, friends and sometimes even family. It’s easy for a stammer to make us feel like we’re ‘lesser’ then other people in our lives, particularly when we’re having a bad speaking day.
But a stammer can also be a source of strength. It gives us insight into feelings and emotions that others may not have. It makes us instinctively empathise with people in society who are struggling. It can help us slow down and consider situations more fully before making decisions.
Here are three examples of how Empowering Voices mentors and trustees think their stammer has made them stronger:
‘Having a stammer has made me resilient, which has helped me overcome communication hurdles. It has also taught me the value of patience as I take my time to express myself. Every word is chosen with precision, leading to what I hope is a clear and concise message.
My stammer encourages me to be thoughtful, ensuring my ideas are expressed meaningfully, bringing to life the saying, “Think before you speak.”
Ultimately, it has made me stronger by shaping me into a more mindful and thoughtful communicator, hopefully with empathy and understanding.
Ian Trevor, Empowering Voices trustee
‘I used to think that my stammer made me “not good enough”, but I was very wrong. The experiences I’ve had have humbled me – in the last few years I have done presentations, a radio interview, run patient groups in my role as a care coordinator and I confidently speak to people every day.
I won’t let my stammer hold me back now. It is a strong part of who I am and what I have become. Who knows what I will achieve next!’
Lea Kemp, Empowering Voices mentor
‘When I was a child, I was convinced that because my stammer made me struggle with one form of communication, I should learn as much as possible about another. So I decided to figure out how to write well. This has helped me so much in my working life – I never worry about sending complex emails to the clients of my accountancy practice, and I often help other members of staff with their own which makes me feel valued. My anxiety over speaking has reduced over time thanks to the costal breathing technique that Empowering Voices teaches, but I still maintain the benefits of writing. Winning!’
Mike Grant, Empowering Voices mentor
If you would like to feel the same, maybe you would like to consider joining us for our free 3 day costal breathing course in Peterborough from the 28th - 30th October 2024. Empowering Voices mentors and trustees would be very happy to share their stories and insights in person! You can find more details here.
Let us know how your stammer has made YOU stronger, by sharing in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!